HIV/STI Counseling and Referral Services
Our experienced staff will meet with you to have a private, confidential conversation. We can use the session to discuss questions and resources related to:
- What is HIV?
- How do I know if I have HIV?
- How can I get or transmit HIV?
- What can increase my HIV vulnerability?
- What can decrease my HIV vulnerability?
- How can I prevent getting or transmitting HIV?
- What are the current advances in HIV Prevention (PrEP, PEP, Treatment as Prevention/U=U)?
Project ARK’s Mpowerment project (also called MPOWERSTL) is an evolving project dedicated to empowering and mobilizing St. Louis’ young gay and bisexual male community.
Guiding Principles include:
- Combining HIV/AIDS prevention education/skills building opportunities with fun and engaging social activities to ensure young men attend Mpowerment events, learn about and get tested for HIV/AIDS and STDs.
- Young gay and bisexual men want to learn from their peers.
- It is essential to build a young gay and bisexual men’s community where men support each other in practicing healthy sexual behavior, get tested for HIV/AIDS/STDs, as well as help each other in coping with the stresses of being gay or bisexual.
- Young men take ownership of Mpowerment project activities
- Young men are most likely to start reducing their risk of becoming infected with HIV/AIDS/STDs (i.e. using condoms, reducing the number of sex partners), and get tested regularly when they see and hear that their peers are reducing their risks and getting tested regularly.
- The Mpowerment project enriches and strengthens young gay and bisexual men’s pride about who they are, and encourages them to explore and celebrate their sexuality by not just focusing on condom use but by including a wide variety of safer sex behaviors.
- The Mpowerment project should use a combination of events and activities in order to address the variety of issues (i.e. self-esteem, homophobia, stigma, substance use) that cause young men to engage in risky sexual behaviors and/or chose not to get tested for HIV/AIDS and STDs.
We are always creating new ways for young gay and bisexual men to come together, meet, socialize, have fun, and learn.
Check out the Mpowerment project on Facebook or click on contact us.
L.I.F.E. 101 Self Management Workshop (Learning Immune Function Enhancement)
Maintaining a healthy life with HIV/AIDS is more than going to the doctor and taking your meds. Medical care is vital to fighting the disease, but managing the disease and living a full-life is just as important and is something only you can do! LIFE is an opportunity to empower you to improve your health. We want to help by providing you with the knowledge, motivation, skills, and support necessary to improve your own health.
We offer two different workshops for persons living with HIV/AIDS:
- Same gender loving young males
- Women (cis and trans) of all ages
Join us for a safe and confidential workshop with others living with HIV/AIDS to learn strategies and gain support in areas that will help you take control of HIV/AIDS. Individual counseling is also available.
Workshop topics include:
- Developing healthy coping skills
- The importance of identifying a life purpose and setting goals
- Depression, grief and loss
- Communication skills with loved ones and medical care providers
- Self care (exercise, nutrition, sleep)
View this video to learn more