Project ARK offers support services to help clients as they face the challenges of living with HIV/AIDS. All services are offered free of charge.

Contact a case manager to learn more. 


Many times, the only people who know what it is really like to live with HIV are other people who has been through what you’re going through. We have trained Peer Health Coaches (people living with HIV/AIDS) who can talk one-on-one with you about the managing a HIV diagnosis. Peer Health Coaches help newly-diagnosed patients focus on the benefits of engaging medical care, including keeping medical appointments and taking HIV medications. Through individual conversations, Peer Health Coaches provide emotional support, personal stories, and individualized education to help clients achieve their healthcare goals.

Peer Health Coaches are people living with HIV/AIDS who are successfully sticking to their medical treatment plans. They have also completed extensive training, which make them uniquely qualified to support their peers. Peer Health Coaches are part of the Washington University Infectious Disease Clinic and SLUCare medical care teams.


We offer bus tickets and limited taxi rides to help clients get to/from doctor visits, mental health appointments, support groups, and consumer advisory board (CAB) meetings.


We provide childcare on-site for our women’s support group and for some consumer advisory board (CAB) meetings.


We offer a number of support groups for people living with HIV, and for young people who looking for a supportive community while learning how to prevent acquiring HIV.

Our confidential groups provide support and education for persons living with HIV. People living with HIV often find it is helpful to talk with others living with HIV whether they are newly diagnosed or have been managing HIV for a decades.  Group facilitators provide information or arrange presenters to help group members plan ways to stay healthy—mentally, physically, and spiritually—while living with a chronic illness.


We provide you with extra tools and support to help you stay healthy, help you stay consistent with your medical care, and support you as you live with HIV.

Contact us to learn more about our support services.